A condition that women of all ages and lifestyles face, female hair loss is extraordinarily common. Often hereditary, it can also begin as a result of hormonal changes and medical conditions. If you have noticed an abnormal amount of hair on your brush or thinning hair on your head, there are a few different things you can try to help encourage hair growth and protect the hair you have.
Manage Your Stress
While it is impossible to avoid stress altogether, taking steps to manage and reduce your stress can help to reinstate your hair’s natural growth cycle. Whether you do some reading, join a yoga class, go running or spend an hour of your day enjoying your favorite hobby, there are plenty of different ways for you to de-stress yourself. Not only will this help your hair health, but it will also improve your overall health and wellbeing.
Let Your Hair Air Dry
Blow dryers, curling irons and hair straighteners can be extremely damaging to your hair. Instead of blasting your hair with heat every day, try sticking to more natural styles for a while. Give your hair a chance to air dry as often as possible, and set your devices to the lowest setting when you must use them.
Avoid UVA Exposure
Although the sun is a great source of Vitamin D, UVA can be damaging to your hair and scalp. Spend some time outside soaking up all the sun’s benefits, but don’t forget to throw on a hat first to protect your hair health.
Talk to Your Doctor
The loss of your hair can be a stressful experience and overwhelming experience, and it is important to get in touch with your physician for help. A potential indicator of a serious health problem, don’t hesitate to give your doctor a call if you are worried about your hair loss.
Once your hair loss has been diagnosed, it’s time to start searching for a way to boost your confidence and get back to feeling like your normal self. With years of experience fitting, cutting and styling hair replacement pieces, Stylistics offers a comfortable and private atmosphere where you can create a beautiful new look for yourself. Call 602-234-3381 to schedule an appointment or a no-obligation consultation at the Phoenix, Arizona shop.
Sources: http://visual.ly/hair-loss-prevention-women, http://favpins.com/tips-for-battling-female-hair-loss/