At Stylistics Inc., we know real well that there’s just something special about a good wig. It fits your head well, looks just as natural as real hair, and has friends and loved ones asking all about it! Even more importantly, you know a poor wig when you see one. If not, here’s how… Read more »
How Does Hair Grow and Why Do We Lose It?
Why does my hair keep falling out and where does hair come from in the first place? These are questions our clients often ask us. Knowing the answers to both can be very important when it comes to deciding on services like extensions or wigs. By the time we’re born, we already have 5 million… Read more »
Importance of Hair in Society
Whether it’s curly, straight, styled or natural, hair has had great importance in various societies throughout history. Hair has an important role to play in many of the stories and myths we’ve all heard since childhood – Samson losing his extraordinary strength once his hair is cut off, Rapunzel letting down her long hair so… Read more »
Worst Foods for Your Hair
You may think the secret to great hair is using the right hair care products, but did you know that your diet plays a big role in the health of your hair? Without the right nutrients, hair can become brittle, dry, and in some cases even begin to thin. So what foods should you avoid… Read more »
People are Purchasing Wigs for their Eyebrows
If you’re dealing with thinning hair on your head, you may also be experiencing thinning hair in other places. Once your hair starts thinning, you may notice that your eyebrows are thinning as well. If you previously plucked your eyebrows to be thin or you are experiencing hair loss, it can be hard to get… Read more »
Athletes Wear Wigs Too
Wigs are a regular part of life for many people, and celebrities and athletes are no exception. Many athletes wear wigs for sporting events, and most of the time, people are totally unaware that athletes are even wearing a wig to begin with. Several days ago a hurdler for the United States, Jasmine Stowers, took… Read more »
How to Respond to Wig Aimed Questions
If you’ve ever told someone that you wear a wig on a regular basis, you’ve probably seen how some people really don’t know how to handle it. Many people think that wearing a wig is “taboo” and in fact, can come off as insensitive when they meet someone that does. Although wearing a wig is… Read more »
Handling Hair Loss in Children
It’s totally normal to lose some hair every day – 50 to 100 strands will come out in the shower, or in your hairbrush – but there are several conditions that lead to abnormal hair loss in children. If you’re concerned about your child losing hair, talk to your pediatrician to determine whether he or… Read more »
Caring for Your Wig during April Showers
Although Arizona doesn’t have as many April showers as other states do, we do still experience rain on occasion and especially in our summer months during monsoon season. We have talked a lot on our blog about the importance of caring for your wig in severe weather, and rain is no exception. Rain can fall… Read more »
Hints for First Time Wig Shoppers
If you have recently experienced significant hair loss or a tough health diagnosis, you might be considering getting a wig for the first time. For many women, wigs provide a sense of confidence and peace, and also allow women to show off their personal style. If you are looking to get your very first wig,… Read more »